Senior consultants with experience from the financial business.
Most of our clients ask for our experience and competence within internal auditing as well as the function for risk management.
We help leaders and managers achieve their goals of desired risk appetite.
Moneo is one of the countries leading consulting companies within the financial sector with senior consultants.
Moneo is an independent (actor) that mainly works with corporations that remain under supervision by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.
Moneo is a member of IIA, Institute of Internal Auditors.
We work with a variety of clients. Examples of these can be seen as banks, värdepappersbolag, fondbolag och försäkringsbolag. We are often assigned through references by clients that has previously worked with us.
We also carry great experience and competence of GDPR and can assist with analysis as well as introducing practical/ hands on demands/claims. Our starting point/ basis is that requirements should be introduced in a way that these become a part of the company’s existing processes.
Our simple philosophy is to work for and with our clients. Our idea is to contribute to our clients value. Integrity is one of our leading words and our consultants work with the basis of following our essential values.
We are committed and service minded. The customer should feel safe with us and our work.
Our goal is always to provide service of the highest quality.
Our ambition is that once we leave our customers, the knowledge remains inside their walls.
We are proud of our work and the best reward is a longterm business relationship.
We believe that a good consultant has a little dirt under their nails, In other words, a consultant with experience outside of the consultant business.
We like the simplicity and strive to to be uncomplicated.
Sometimes Moneo is not visible to the customer, we can work as a resource to managers or as a support system to the leaders. Sometimes we can viewed as a part of the clients business, as an additional manager. Sometimes we have a whole team of consultants who will provide results in the short term. This can be a procurement of business systems, organizational investigation, continuous planning, review of operations and other analyzes.
At the start of an assignment, together with our customer, we write an assignment description and define what is to be done and what the desired result is. Moneo submits a quotation/offer on the agreed assignment. The form can vary, it can be a fixed price or an (open) bill depending on the nature of the assignment and the customer’s wishes.
We are continuously educating ourselves and regularly meet for internal (workshops) and participate in external conferences. We further improve our work together with our customers and partners and frequently monitor regulatory changes and (Industry practice).
Methodology is important.Many customers have their own methods and models.
We are happy to adapt to them. For example, we have methods and models for current situation analysis, process and system mapping, change management, business continuity planning (BCM) and for responsibility and management by objectives.
Depending on the assignment, our services are concluded by one or more consultants with special skills. Our goal is to always have the best possible staffing/ personnel/ resource for each assignment. This means that we can sometimes take on assignments together with one of our partners.
Moneo has both employed consultants and sub-consultants. All consultants follow our basic/primary/elemental philosophy and internal quality systems. We have several partners in complementary areas. Together with our partners, we grow with the needs of our customers.
Our goal is to be an organisation that is adaptable and supports our customers needs.
Confidentiality is our higher priority. In our outsourcing agreements you will find an annex that regulate the level and extent of confidentiality.
Moneo organization.